
2024年3月14日—YoushouldbeabletotakescreenshotsonmostAndroiddevicesbyholdingdownthe'Power'and'Volumedown'buttons.Somedevicesalsohavea ...,Usebuttoncombinations.ForallGalaxydevices,takingascreenshottypicallyinvolvesthePowerandVolumeDownbuttons.·Pal...。參考影片的文章的如下:


How to screenshot on an android device

2024年3月14日 — You should be able to take screenshots on most Android devices by holding down the 'Power' and 'Volume down' buttons. Some devices also have a ...

How to take a screenshot on a Samsung phone or tablet

Use button combinations. For all Galaxy devices, taking a screenshot typically involves the Power and Volume Down buttons. · Palm swipe method · Voice commands.

How to take a screenshot on your Android phone or tablet

2024年2月21日 — Check the screenshot preview at the bottom. Tap the Capture more button. Use the window that appears to select the content you want to capture.

How to take screenshot using Power button only?

2023年4月30日 — If your phone doesn't show a menu when pressing the power button, you can, as an example, set its Swipe left and hold from the right edge of the ...

How to take screenshots on your Android phone

2023年4月26日 — Screenshots on phones running Android 13 · For the Google Pixel and Samsung Galaxy: Hold down the power button and press the volume-down button.

Take a screenshot

2023年6月1日 — On many Android devices, you can capture a screenshot by pressing the Power and Volume-down buttons on the device simultaneously.

Take Android Screenshots With a Simple Swipe or No ...

2022年4月23日 — If for some reason that doesn't work, press and hold the power button for a few seconds and then tap Screenshot when it appears on your screen.

The 7 Best Ways to Take Screenshots on Android Phones

2023年4月18日 — First up, there's a very quick and simple way to take screenshots on most Android phones. Press and hold the Power + Volume Down buttons at the ...


2024年3月14日—YoushouldbeabletotakescreenshotsonmostAndroiddevicesbyholdingdownthe'Power'and'Volumedown'buttons.Somedevicesalsohavea ...,Usebuttoncombinations.ForallGalaxydevices,takingascreenshottypicallyinvolvesthePowerandVolumeDownbuttons.·Palmswipemethod·Voicecommands.,2024年2月21日—Checkthescreenshotpreviewatthebottom.TaptheCapturemorebutton.Usethewindowthatappearstoselectthecontentyouwan...